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Free Vacation Savings Challenge Printables

Vacation Savings Challenge with piggy bank and money savings challenge printables

Part of planning an amazing vacation involves saving money for it. I know it can be tough saving for something that seems months or maybe even years down the road especially when you are tempted to spend money on things that will give you instant gratification today. But if you think about it, those things do not usually bring you lasting happiness. They get old, worn and used up. So change it up, and spend money on experiences that will create memories that will last a lifetime! The more money you set aside upfront, the more options you will have for lodging, restaurants, activities and shopping.

I created free Vacation Savings Challenge printables to help you reach your money savings goal. These printables will keep you motivated and help you stay on track. Keep reading for tips on how to make this challenge work for you.

Note: Just add the printables to your cart and check out. No credit card information is needed.

How to Make This Vacation Savings Challenge Work

Choose Your Travel Inspiration

Aerial view of Honolua Bay, Maui, Hawaii, USA

You need a compelling visual reminder of what you are saving for. Choose a gorgeous photo of the place you want to travel to. This photo should make you smile every time you look at it. If you do not know exactly where you are going to travel yet, just choose a photo of the type of vacation that you want to take.

I chose a tropical photo for my Vacation Savings Challenge because I love the ocean and beautiful beaches. You can cut out a photo from your favorite travel magazine or print it from the internet.

Place it Where You Can See it Daily

Place this in an area that you will see everyday like your bathroom or kitchen. This is important because it will remind you daily of what you are saving for, and remind you of what your priorities are.

Feeling a little lazy and want to eat out tonight? Nope, not today. I would much rather be relaxing in a hammock on the beach sipping a strawberry daquiri.

Laying in Hammock at Hyatt Maui Resort

Set Realistic Goals

Do not set yourself up for failure. The $3,000 in 6 Months Savings Challenge is not going to be realistic for everyone because we all have different levels of income and obligations. That is why I also created two different templates to help you meet your money savings challenge. The first one, is a 6-month challenge, and the second one is a one-year challenge.

How to Customize 6-Month Challenge

  1. Determine the amount you want to save for.
  2. Then divide that number by 6. This is the amount you need to save each month.
  3. Then divide the monthly amount by 4. This is the amount you will fill in each square.


Goal = $2,000

$2,000 / 6 = $333.33 (monthly goal)

$333.33 / 4 = $83.33 (per square)

How to Customize 12-Month Challenge

  1. Determine the amount you want to save for.
  2. Then divide that number by 12. This is the amount you need to save each month.
  3. Then divide the monthly amount by 4. This is the amount you will fill in each square.


Goal = $6,000

$6,000 / 12 = $500 (monthly goal)

$500 / 4 = $125 (per square)

Track Your Progress

Track your progress! Color in each box that you save for. It is important to see your progress. I get excited with each new box I fill in. It is a huge morale booster, and it is so much easier to stay on track. My mind is automatically finding ways to save money to achieve my goal.

Money Saving Tips

If you are struggling with ideas on how to save money, there is a wealth of information out there. There are free resources online, and several books on this subject. So far, The Cheapskate Next Door by Jeff Yeager is my favorite money saving book. It gives several actionable tips to help you save money. A copy may even be in your local library.

The Cheapskate Next Door: The Surprising Secrets of Americans Living Happily Below Their Means

I also share easy money saving tips or money making ideas on this blog. So make you check out those articles and subscribe for updates.

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